Tuesday 28 October 2014

Chapter 16: Against All Odds

The next time Erica wrote me, on November 22nd, I couldn't hold back my joy:

“Abby....looks like the door was prayed open at Lily House. My government contact says we can "intervene" but Carmen needs to know that the Dominican Social Services will be doing an investigation. They will come by to meet her, get her mother's info. and try to help her find her papers so she can start school...

We will begin pouring the Word and our lives into her life as soon as she arrives. She can move in Tuesday morning. If you can tell her to be here as close to 9 am as possible. Thanks!! Praise in seeing God work. The authorities could have easily said "no." They have before.


That morning, I had read Psalm 140. Verse 12 says, "I know that YHWH will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and justice for the poor." --Psalm 140:12. That's exactly what God had done, in causing the Dominican Social Services to waive the requirement of finding her birth certificate as a condition for moving. It had seemed such a difficult task...but nothing is too difficult for God! Tears of joy streamed down my face as I thanked Him. 

That night, I went searching for Carmen to share the news. But I didn't find her at home, or in any of her usual spots. I knew if I got up early enough the next morning, I would find her in her tiny apartment room sleeping. Before bed, I wrote back to Erica:

Wow, thank you so much for the news Erica. Thank you so much JESUS! …I will tell her tomorrow morning if I can find her! I looked for her tonight after work but did not find her. God bless you!!!

The next morning, I practically ran to Carmen’s house to bring her and Andre breakfast. I couldn't contain my joy.

To my surprise, when I told Carmen that she had permission to move in without the birth certificate,  all she said was,


She didn't seem nearly as excited as me. But when I asked her if Tuesday would work as a good day to move in, she said it would.

Yet, in spite of my joy, I began to pray that Carmen wouldn't change her mind. She had said it was a beautiful place, and when we visited I thought I saw hope glimmering in her tired eyes. But I knew that the safe house would be a culture shock for her at first—and the decision to go, or stay after arriving, had to come from her heart. Still, I had prayed for so long, had turned over so many leaves, had gotten so excited about everything…and I didn't want things to turn out any differently than I so desperately hoped they would.

November 25th, 2013 was destined to be a historical day.

The night before, drunk with anticipation, I wrote to Erica: “See you in the morning Lord willing! Please continue to be in prayer! Thank you for accompanying us in this process and presenting such a welcoming attitude to Carmen!”

I wrote another email to my friends and family who knew of the case:

Please intercede for Carmen's move tomorrow. Lord willing, after many tears and prayers, we are boarding a bus at 8 AM and heading off to the Lily House, a new home where Carmen can take Jesus' offer at a new and abundant life. I am so thankful for the opportunity God has given me to get to know Carmen, and see His mighty hand working to deliver her. What is impossible for humans is possible with God!

I covet your prayers, especially today, but in the future as well. Please stop what you are doing if possible, and pray through this list for 5 minutes. I can't thank you enough.

-Pray for firmness in her decision and desire to change, and no wavering or desires for the old life
-Pray for every chain to be broken and every wound to be healed
-Pray for hope and not despair
-Pray for the Spirit of Adoption and for Carmen to feel the pleasure of the Father welcoming back His prodigal daughter with open arms and love
-Pray for discernment and compassion for the staff as they begin to get her in school and counseling
-Pray for friendships to be formed with the other women at the lily house, as Carmen will be leaving friends behind in Santo Domingo
-Pray for her 14 year-old childhood friend, Andre, who has accompanied her as she lost the baby and couldn't pay rent for several weeks, who may feel he is losing a friend
-Pray for child sponsorship so Andre can go to school as well...

Thank you my dear brothers and sisters!!!!

I got up early to prepare breakfast for Carmen, Andre, and me. I packed enough money for my bus fare to and from Juan Dolio, and Carmen’s fare there. Finally, I packed my Bible.

At 7:15AM, I stood outside of Carmen and Andre’s door and knocked. 

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May we never be too blind or busy to care for others, and may we never be too busy caring for others that we don't take the time to sit at the Master's feet and learn from Him. May we grow each day in intimacy with our Creator and Savior, and may His love grow in us as we learn to love Him more. Every good gift we enjoy comes from the all-wise God, who meets all our needs but not necessarily our wants. Knowing Christ is our ultimate aim. Everything else is loss.